About Us

Mission Statement

Ablaze for Life walks with families as they build the Culture of Life, promoting the dignity of the human person from conception until natural death.

Our Values

Led by the teachings of the Catholic Church, we believe in the  Dignity of the Human Person from conception until natural death. We believe, as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has emphasized, that abortion is the pre-eminent Pro-Life issue of our time. We believe in a multi-facetted approach to life issues including education, service, support for those in need, and political advocacy.

Our Vision

Our vision is to build a true Culture of Life starting in our families. We believe our children will go on to continue growing this Culture of Life in their own families or through vocations to the religious life.

Our Patron Saint

Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire. - St. Catherine of Siena

We are inspired by St. Catherine to find where God is calling us to build the Culture of Life and to help others to do the same.

Who We Are

Maddie Brown
Executive Director
Maddie was born and raised in the Dallas area. She attributes her involvement in the Pro-Life Movement to her parents and her older sister, who took her along to various Pro-Life events when she was small. In college, Maddie volunteered at a Pro-Life summer camp where she met her husband. Maddie has spent the last few years serving as the Youth & Young Adult Director for the Catholic Pro-Life Community where she was the Director of Pro-Life Boot Camp. Maddie and her husband Ryan have 5 children on Earth and one in Heaven.
Andrew Smith
Coming Soon
Other Board Members
Ron Engler - Treasurer
Megan Kuo - Secretary
Paul Borchard

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