Gospel: Jn 18:1-19:42
Pro-Life Prayer: Heavenly Father, Jesus was innocent of any sin and yet was killed for our sins. Please bless those innocent children killed by abortion and welcome them into loving arms.
Art: Crucifix Coloring Page (here is one)
Activity: Stations of the Cross Eggs: I’m sure you have seen the “Resurrection Eggs” sold in stores to remember the Easter narrative. They come close to the Stations of the Cross, but in the end, they miss the mark. Create your own Stations of the Cross eggs for your children to touch as they pray along with you! (I won’t reinvent the wheel, Lacy has great instructions here – and a free printable version if you subscribe to her newsletter!)
Activity 2: Put Jesus in a tomb: We have a peg doll set of the Easter narrative, so each Good Friday, we act out the Stations of the Cross with them and end with placing Jesus in a tomb and rolling a stone in front. We leave Him in there and see what will happen over the Triduum. Our “tomb” is a little storage container and the “stone” is a crumpled piece of black construction paper, so simple!
Videos: Brother Francis Stations of the Cross – available on Formed – Of all of the versions of the stations I have watched, this is my favorite.
Window Display
Phrase: It is Finished
Displayed Art: Crucifix Coloring
Canvas Gift Set
Good Friday: Hands with Nail Marks
We started with handprints using hand toned paint.
We created the nail marks with finger prints.