Holy Week at Home

Pro-Life Prayers for Holy Week

Palm Sunday: Heavenly Father, just as Jesus was welcomed joyfully into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, please help all babies be welcomed with joy, especially those who are unexpected.

Monday of Holy Week: Heavenly Father, Mary anointed Jesus with oil in preparation for his death and burial, showing respect for His earthly body. Please bless those who are in mourning for a loved one and give them hope in your resurrection this Easter.

Tuesday of Holy Week: Heavenly Father, Peter turned away from You at the crucifixion, when following you was hardest. Help all fathers to turn to You, embrace the challenge of fatherhood, and become leaders of their families just as Peter eventually turned to You and led the Church.

Spy Wednesday: Heavenly Father, Judas allowed his greed to overcome him and sold Your son for 30 pieces of silver. Please open the eyes of all of those working against the Culture of Life, especially abortionists and clinic workers. Convert their hearts to life and give them the strength to leave their current roles.

Holy Thursday: Heavenly Father, Jesus sacrificed His body for our sake, that we might have life. So too do our mothers sacrifice their bodies to give us life. Please bless all mothers and help those who are pregnant to see the beautiful gift of the life within their womb.

Good Friday: Heavenly Father, Jesus was innocent of any sin and yet was killed for our sins. Please bless those innocent children killed by abortion and welcome them into loving arms.

Holy Saturday (Day): Heavenly Father, on that first Holy Saturday, the Apostles waited in fear, unsure what would happen to them. Today we pray for all of the parents and families who have received a pre-natal diagnosis; bless them in their time of waiting to prepare for the child you have chosen for them, despite any unknowns.

Easter Sunday: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of all life, our life here on Earth and our life eternal with You in Heaven. Thank you for sending us Jesus to suffer and die for us.

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